HexWeb XT Reference Gallery
Here you find some interesting sites using HexWeb XT in the daily production.
BILD Zeitung, Germany
With a circulation of 5 million copies a day, "BILD" is the largest daily newspaper in Europe.
HexWeb XT 2.1 and HexWeb Index are in workgroup use. 30 high-impact HTML pages are created every day between 6 PM and 9 PM with HexWeb XT 2.1. Check out the News section articles, and you see how they use the HexWeb XT 2.1 "Image & Caption" feature to place images in a table with the caption text underneath.
To preserve the original look and feel of the large and colourful headlines of the articles, they are exported as GIF images. The table of content is created automatically with HexWeb Index. The Online issue of the newspaper of tomorrow is available OnLine already at 9 PM in the previous evening!
The Ottawa Citizen, Canada
A major canadian newspaper using QuarkXPress® and HexWeb 2.1 for publishing on the Web. Over 50 HTML pages are created every morning from the printed issue.
Variable headers and footers and horizontal page linking are used, automatic tables of contents for each section are created just by using HexWeb Index.
The Detroit News, USA
One of the largest Newspapers in America. Using 6 licenses of HexWeb XT in a workgroup, creating over 100 HTML pages every day.
Table of contents are created with HexWeb Index 2.1. See how they chain the articles using the new VARIABLES technique from HexWeb Index.
Nice-Matin, France
A large newspaper in Nice, southern France, using HexWeb XT in the daily Web-production.
The Recorder,
A local daily newspaper in Amsterdam, NY, creating every day 80! articles with HexWeb XT 2.1. Uses the FRAMES interface, which is automatically created with HexWeb Index.
Aftonbladet, Sweden
The second largest evening paper in Sweden, circulation over 500.000,00 daily.
They are using 10 licenses of HexWeb XT in a workgroup. Also having their Real Estate ads and a Computer Market published in the Internet using HexBase.
Los Altos Town Crier, USA
A weekly local newspaper from Los Altos. Every week, about 70 pages are created from the print issue to HTML with HexWeb XT 2.1
A weekly publication in Berlin, using HexWeb XT for the articles, also using FRAMES, the new feature of Netscape 2.0. The FRAMES interface and the table of content is automatically created with HexWeb Index 2.1.
Schaffhauser Nachrichten, Switzerland
A daily newspaper, one of the most creative papers on the Net. A lot of information from the region. Using HexWeb XT and HexWeb XTND for the daily articles. They also offer a full text search through the older issues using WWW Archive.
Hallandsposten, Sweden
A swedish daily newspaper, which is having a very large Web proposal. Hallandsposten is converting their Quark pages to HTML with HexWeb XT 2.1. Beautiful Web Design!
Schweriner Volkszeitung, Germany
A large newspaper in the Eastern Germany, publishing almost the whole newspaper in the Net.
Creating daily over 100 HTML pages with 3 licenses of HexWeb XT!
Göteborgs-Posten, Sweden
A major newspaper in Gothenburg, using HexWeb XT for the daily articles.
Computer Sweden, Sweden
The largest computer paper in Sweden from IDG. HexWeb XT is used for the articles.
Norrköpings Tidningar, Sweden
A daily newspaper using HexWeb XT in the Web-production.
Eskilstuna Kuriren, Sweden
A lot of articles created with HexWeb XT, updated daily.
The Winfield Daily Courier, USA
A Daily Newspaper from Kansas using HexWeb XT 2.1
Östersunds Posten, Sweden
A daily newspaper creating their Web-pages with HexWeb XT.
Morgunbladid, Reykjavik, Iceland
The largest newspaper in Iceland, having a special way to serve the Web- You can get the full services by making a subscription. Using HexWeb XT for their daily articles.
Fredriksstad Blad, Norway
A local newspaper in Norway using HexWeb XT 2.1 for the QuarkXPress to HTML conversion.
Kompas, Djakarta, Indonesia
A major newspaper with a circulation of over 500.000,00 daily, using HexWeb XT for the daily Web-publishing.
Suara Pembaruam Daily Djakarta, Indonesia
A daily newspaper in Djakarta, uses the Frames interface created with HexWeb Index 2.2.
A political newspaper in Stockholm using HexWeb XT and HexWeb Index in their daily production.
Laukaa-Konnevesi, Finland
A finnish local newspaper using HexWeb XT 2.0 for everyday news.
Sisä-Suomen Lehti,
A finnish local newspaper. HexWeb XT 2.0 in use.
Närlingsliv i Västernorrland, Sweden
Swedish newspaper using HexWeb XT.
Viiden Kunnan Sanomat, Finland
A small local newspaper using HexWeb XT 2.0.
Forbes, "The Capitalist Tool", as they call themselves, is producing 3 magazines on the Web, using HexWeb XT and HexWeb Index. Check the beautiful layout with side bars.
FOCUS, Germany
A very large german news magazine with a Web Site with over 1000 pages, using HexWeb XT
for the conversion of the actual magazine pages. Several HexBase® solutions. Check the Flight Database with over 370.000 different flight routes, let HexBase® search you the cheapest one for your business or holiday travel!
VOGUE, Germany
Vogue fashion magazine is using HexWeb XT to create HTML pages from QuarkXPress
The Computer Paper, Canada
The Computer Paper is Canada's largest monthly computer magazine, with
365,000 copies of the printed publication distributed each month and over 1,000,000
readers. HexWeb XT 2.0 and HexWeb Index are used in this magnificent site.
RES, Sweden
Swedens largest travel magazine is published to the Web with HexWeb XT 2.0. A large Web Site contains many interactive elements created with HexBase Web Publishing Database.
OEM Magazine, USA
CMP publications Inc. is using HexWeb XT 2.0 for the daily updates of this computer magazine.
STERN, Germany
One of the most famous german news magazines, using HexWeb XT for the conversion of the editorial articles to HTML, in connection with their automated Web-publishing System.
LAN Magazine,USA
A magazine from Miller Freeman for network administrators and specialists.
Bookbuilders West, USA
The Website is part of BooksAtoZ, the first comprehensive resource site for production, publishing, and marketing of books.
This site includes links to book publishers, products, services, associations, and event calendars within the book industry. HexWeb XT 2.0 is used for Quark coversion
SNAPS, Sweden
An electronic publication about barkeepers and drinks, very beautiful layout, using HexWeb XT 2.0 and HexWeb Index 2.1.
Electronic Engineering Times, USA
Another magazine from CMP Publications, Inc. , creating the news section with XPress and HexWeb XT 2.0.
Publishing Praxis, Germany
A publishing magazine specialized in electronic publishing, colour management, onLine publishing a.s.o. A good coverage of the magazine, especially the News part. Using HexWeb XT and HexWeb Index, connecting the articles with the new VARIABLES technology from HexWeb.
Miller Freeman´s Unix Review is the technical resource for UNIX professionals building, administering and managing Unix-based solutions. Oublished with HexWeb 2.0.
MACup, Germany
One of the largest Macintosh Magazines in Germany, here you find a preview of the articles published in the printed issue. HexWeb XT 2.0 in use.
MacEasy, Germany
MacEasy is the magazine for Macintosh beginners in Germany, HexWeb XT 2.0 is used.
Diagnostic Imaging, USA
Diagnostic Imaging -- The newsmagazine of radiology, MRI, nuclear medicine and ultrasound.
Another Miller Freeman object using HexWeb XT in a workgroup.
SLITZ, Sweden
A fashion magazine with a very good Web design, second place in Web@ward competition.
Deutscher Drucker,
The most established publishing magazine in Germany. Here you can read everything that is important for printing, newspaper and magazine publishing a.s.o. Using HexWeb XT and HexWeb Index 2.0
Adams Trade Press, USA
On this site you find information about trading beverages, environmental products and other issues. HexWeb XT 2.0 in used.
Vår Bostad, Sweden
This is the magazine with the largest circulation in Sweden, over 1,2 Million a month. HexWeb XT is used for Quark to HTML conversion.
Datavärlden, Sweden
A Computer magazine using HexWeb XT.
Nursing Standard, UK
The first ever nursing journal published on the Internet. HexWeb XT 2.0 in use.
Telemedicine and Telehealth Networks, USA
Telemedicine and Telehealth Networks is the only monthly publication written for those examining and implementing telemedicine technology. Editorial is characterized by comprehensive news-gathering, objective reportage, analyses and insights conveyed in a clear, no-nonsense style. Publisher: Miller Freeman, Inc.
Denkmalpflegefachverlag, Germany
The target of this publisher is the to be the information source for renewing old historical buildings. HexWeb XT 2.0 is used for converting the articles.
Ad Agencies and Service Providers:
A Web Service Provider, offering Screen Design and conception of Web Sites, using HexWeb XT 2.0 for QuarkXpress conversion. Check this one out!
Serviceplan is one of the most successful Ad Agencies in Germany, 21 of their customers are market leaders in their sector. These Ad professionals are using HexWeb XT 2.0 with the FRAMES interface, presenting their company and customers.
Dynamic Diagrams, Inc. USA
Dynamic Diagrams offers Web design and concepts, they are real professionals in using HexWeb XT and making concepts for publishers, maybe also for Your publication?
Vogel-Medien, Germany
Vogel Medien is a large publisher of industrial catalogs on Paper and OnLine. They are the inofficial World-Record holder of HexWebbing: They created 1300 HTML pages out of QuarkXPress in 4 hours with a 3 man team!
Lemke & Fürst, Germany
If you live in Stuttgart region and are in the need of a good Internet Provider, THIS IS IT!
These guys can offer you any service from Web server setup to a complete network installation.
HexBase References